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Philip W. Hussey Theater

  • American Style Seating Plan with 4 exits to lobby

  • Seating Capacity: 974

  • Main Floor: 961 fixed seating; plus 13 special needs and associated guest seating; side opening seats located in house

  • Wired Clear-Com intercom system available

Event Calendar



Noble HS Fall Musical
November 7, 8, & 9 @ 7:00 PM
November 10 @ 2:00 PM

To Purchase Tickets: 

For outside groups renting the Hussey Theater, please contact the group directly to inquire about purchasing their tickets.

Booking Information

Booking Information

Individuals wishing to book the Hussey Theater should fill out the MSAD #60 Building Use Form below. Please print and fill it out completely (including the Production Requirements form), sign it, and mail it to the address below. Please include all pages.

You can also scan it as a

high-quality PDF and email it to the

Theater Manager:

Groups holding a public performance (dance recital, comedy show, band or choral concert, etc.) who expect 100 or more people in attendance are required to have a police detail officer present. Individuals should fill out the Police Detail Request form below and mail it in with their application. The charges will be added to your final bill.
Hussey Theater
ATTN: Matt Eaton
Noble High School
100 Noble Way
North Berwick, ME 03906

Facility Information
Contact Theater

Facility Information

The Hussey Theater is located inside of Noble High School, a public high school in North Berwick, ME.

Noble High School
100 Noble Way
North Berwick, ME 03906

For questions or rental inquiries, please contact the Theater Manager at:


Hussey Theater Specifications

House Information:
American Style Seating Plan with 4 exits to lobby
Seating Capacity: 974
Main Floor: 961 fixed seating;

plus 13 special needs and associated guest seating;

side opening seats located in house
Hearing Impaired System
Stage Dimensions:
Proscenium:  40′ width;  25′ height
Depth: 46′ Plaster line to back wall
Wing Space: 13′ 5′′ SR;  14′ SL
Grid Working Height: ~25′
Access to the stage: Acoustic Panel Door:  14′ H × 12′ W
Stage Floor: Black, Southern Yellow Pine
No traps or elevators in the floor
2 medium-sized dressing rooms off stage left, both equipped with sinks, mirrors, costume/wardrobe racks, and restroom
Chorus and Band Rooms used as additional dressing room space; large rooms off backstage

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